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Profile Publications (40)

Publications By Noriyuki Satoh


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A single-cell RNA-seq analysis of early larval cell-types of the starfish, Patiria pectinifera: Insights into evolution of the chordate body plan., Tominaga H, Nishitsuji K, Satoh N., Dev Biol. April 1, 2023; 496 52-62.

Structure and proteomic analysis of the crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster sp.) radial nerve cord., Smith MK, Rotgans BA, Lang T, Johnston R, Wang T, Suwansa-Ard S, Bose U, Satoh N, Egertova M, Hall MR, Byrne M, Elphick MR, Motti CA, Cummins SF., Sci Rep. February 27, 2023; 13 (1): 3349.

Crown-of-thorns starfish spines secrete defence proteins., Hillberg AK, Smith MK, Lausen BS, Suwansa-Ard S, Johnston R, Mitu SA, MacDonald LE, Zhao M, Motti CA, Wang T, Elizur A, Nakashima K, Satoh N, Cummins SF., PeerJ. January 1, 2023; 11 e15689.

A single-cell RNA-seq analysis of Brachyury-expressing cell clusters suggests a morphogenesis-associated signal center of oral ectoderm in sea urchin embryos., Satoh N, Hisata K, Foster S, Morita S, Nishitsuji K, Oulhen N, Tominaga H, Wessel GM., Dev Biol. March 1, 2022; 483 128-142.

An Investigation into the Genetic History of Japanese Populations of Three Starfish, Acanthaster planci, Linckia laevigata, and Asterias amurensis, Based on Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequences., Inoue J, Hisata K, Yasuda N, Satoh N., G3 (Bethesda). July 7, 2020; 10 (7): 2519-2528.   

Mitigating Anticipated Effects of Systematic Errors Supports Sister-Group Relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and Ambulacraria., Philippe H, Poustka AJ, Chiodin M, Hoff KJ, Dessimoz C, Tomiczek B, Schiffer PH, Müller S, Domman D, Horn M, Kuhl H, Timmermann B, Satoh N, Hikosaka-Katayama T, Nakano H, Rowe ML, Elphick MR, Thomas-Chollier M, Hankeln T, Mertes F, Wallberg A, Rast JP, Copley RR, Martinez P, Telford MJ., Curr Biol. June 3, 2019; 29 (11): 1818-1826.e6.

Medusozoan genomes inform the evolution of the jellyfish body plan., Khalturin K, Shinzato C, Khalturina M, Hamada M, Fujie M, Koyanagi R, Kanda M, Goto H, Anton-Erxleben F, Toyokawa M, Toshino S, Satoh N., Nat Ecol Evol. May 1, 2019; 3 (5): 811-822.

The phylum Vertebrata: a case for zoological recognition., Irie N, Satoh N, Kuratani S., Zoological Lett. December 26, 2018; 4 32.   

Identification of putative olfactory G-protein coupled receptors in Crown-of-Thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci., Roberts RE, Motti CA, Baughman KW, Satoh N, Hall MR, Cummins SF., BMC Genomics. May 23, 2017; 18 (1): 400.   

The crown-of-thorns starfish genome as a guide for biocontrol of this coral reef pest., Hall MR, Kocot KM, Baughman KW, Fernandez-Valverde SL, Gauthier MEA, Hatleberg WL, Krishnan A, McDougall C, Motti CA, Shoguchi E, Wang T, Xiang X, Zhao M, Bose U, Shinzato C, Hisata K, Fujie M, Kanda M, Cummins SF, Satoh N, Degnan SM, Degnan BM., Nature. April 5, 2017; 544 (7649): 231-234.

Hemichordate genomes and deuterostome origins., Simakov O, Kawashima T, Marlétaz F, Jenkins J, Koyanagi R, Mitros T, Hisata K, Bredeson J, Shoguchi E, Gyoja F, Yue JX, Chen YC, Freeman RM, Sasaki A, Hikosaka-Katayama T, Sato A, Fujie M, Baughman KW, Levine J, Gonzalez P, Cameron C, Fritzenwanker JH, Pani AM, Goto H, Kanda M, Arakaki N, Yamasaki S, Qu J, Cree A, Ding Y, Dinh HH, Dugan S, Holder M, Jhangiani SN, Kovar CL, Lee SL, Lewis LR, Morton D, Nazareth LV, Okwuonu G, Santibanez J, Chen R, Richards S, Muzny DM, Gillis A, Peshkin L, Wu M, Humphreys T, Su YH, Putnam NH, Schmutz J, Fujiyama A, Yu JK, Tagawa K, Worley KC, Gibbs RA, Kirschner MW, Lowe CJ, Satoh N, Rokhsar DS, Gerhart J., Nature. November 26, 2015; 527 (7579): 459-65.   

Genomic organization of Hox and ParaHox clusters in the echinoderm, Acanthaster planci., Baughman KW, McDougall C, Cummins SF, Hall M, Degnan BM, Satoh N, Shoguchi E., Genesis. December 1, 2014; 52 (12): 952-8.

Chordate evolution and the three-phylum system., Satoh N, Rokhsar D, Nishikawa T., Proc Biol Sci. November 7, 2014; 281 (1794): 20141729.

The Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA): developing community resources to study diverse invertebrate genomes., [Organization not found], Bracken-Grissom H, Collins AG, Collins T, Crandall K, Distel D, Dunn C, Giribet G, Haddock S, Knowlton N, Martindale M, Medina M, Messing C, O'Brien SJ, Paulay G, Putnam N, Ravasi T, Rouse GW, Ryan JF, Schulze A, Wörheide G, Adamska M, Bailly X, Breinholt J, Browne WE, Diaz MC, Evans N, Flot JF, Fogarty N, Johnston M, Kamel B, Kawahara AY, Laberge T, Lavrov D, Michonneau F, Moroz LL, Oakley T, Osborne K, Pomponi SA, Rhodes A, Santos SR, Satoh N, Thacker RW, Van de Peer Y, Voolstra CR, Welch DM, Winston J, Zhou X., J Hered. January 1, 2014; 105 (1): 1-18.

Identical genomic organization of two hemichordate hox clusters., Freeman R, Ikuta T, Wu M, Koyanagi R, Kawashima T, Tagawa K, Humphreys T, Fang GC, Fujiyama A, Saiga H, Lowe C, Worley K, Jenkins J, Schmutz J, Kirschner M, Rokhsar D, Satoh N, Gerhart J., Curr Biol. November 6, 2012; 22 (21): 2053-8.

Ciona intestinalis and Oxycomanthus japonicus, representatives of marine invertebrates., Sasakura Y, Inaba K, Satoh N, Kondo M, Akasaka K., Exp Anim. October 1, 2009; 58 (5): 459-69.

Ambulacrarian prototypical Hox and ParaHox gene complements of the indirect-developing hemichordate Balanoglossus simodensis., Ikuta T, Miyamoto N, Saito Y, Wada H, Satoh N, Saiga H., Dev Genes Evol. July 1, 2009; 219 (7): 383-9.

Molecular characterization of radial spoke subcomplex containing radial spoke protein 3 and heat shock protein 40 in sperm flagella of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis., Satouh Y, Padma P, Toda T, Satoh N, Ide H, Inaba K., Mol Biol Cell. February 1, 2005; 16 (2): 626-36.

T-brain homologue (HpTb) is involved in the archenteron induction signals of micromere descendant cells in the sea urchin embryo., Fuchikami T, Mitsunaga-Nakatsubo K, Amemiya S, Hosomi T, Watanabe T, Kurokawa D, Kataoka M, Harada Y, Satoh N, Kusunoki S, Takata K, Shimotori T, Yamamoto T, Sakamoto N, Shimada H, Akasaka K., Development. November 1, 2002; 129 (22): 5205-16.

Conserved expression pattern of BMP-2/4 in hemichordate acorn worm and echinoderm sea cucumber embryos., Harada Y, Shoguchi E, Taguchi S, Okai N, Humphreys T, Tagawa K, Satoh N., Zoolog Sci. October 1, 2002; 19 (10): 1113-21.

Dynamic insertion-deletion of introns in deuterostome EF-1alpha genes., Wada H, Kobayashi M, Sato R, Satoh N, Miyasaka H, Shirayama Y., J Mol Evol. January 1, 2002; 54 (1): 118-28.

A novel amphioxus cadherin that localizes to epithelial adherens junctions has an unusual domain organization with implications for chordate phylogeny., Oda H, Wada H, Tagawa K, Akiyama-Oda Y, Satoh N, Humphreys T, Zhang S, Tsukita S., Evol Dev. January 1, 2002; 4 (6): 426-34.

Brachyury homolog (HpTa) is involved in the formation of archenteron and secondary mesenchyme cell differentiation in the sea urchin embryo., Mitsunaga-Nakatsubo K, Harada Y, Satoh N, Shimada H, Akasaka K., Zoology (Jena). January 1, 2001; 104 (2): 99-102.

The expression of nonchordate deuterostome Brachyury genes in the ascidian Ciona embryo can promote the differentiation of extra notochord cells., Satoh G, Harada Y, Satoh N., Mech Dev. September 1, 2000; 96 (2): 155-63.

Expression of the otx gene in the ciliary bands during sea cucumber embryogenesis., Shoguchi E, Harada Y, Numakunai T, Satoh N., Genesis. June 1, 2000; 27 (2): 58-63.

A starfish homolog of mouse T-brain-1 is expressed in the archenteron of Asterina pectinifera embryos: possible involvement of two T-box genes in starfish gastrulation., Shoguchi E, Satoh N, Maruyama YK., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 2000; 42 (1): 61-8.

Characterization of a hemichordate fork head/HNF-3 gene expression., Taguchi S, Tagawa K, Humphreys T, Nishino A, Satoh N, Harada Y., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 2000; 210 (1): 11-7.

Ascidian homologs of mammalian thyroid peroxidase genes are expressed in the thyroid-equivalent region of the endostyle., Ogasawara M, Di Lauro R, Satoh N., J Exp Zool. August 15, 1999; 285 (2): 158-69.

Pattern of Brachyury gene expression in starfish embryos resembles that of hemichordate embryos but not of sea urchin embryos., Shoguchi E, Satoh N, Maruyama YK., Mech Dev. April 1, 1999; 82 (1-2): 185-9.

A comparative molecular approach to mesodermal patterning in basal deuterostomes: the expression pattern of Brachyury in the enteropneust hemichordate Ptychodera flava., Peterson KJ, Cameron RA, Tagawa K, Satoh N, Davidson EH., Development. January 1, 1999; 126 (1): 85-95.

The mitochondrial genome of the hemichordate Balanoglossus carnosus and the evolution of deuterostome mitochondria., Castresana J, Feldmaier-Fuchs G, Yokobori S, Satoh N, Pääbo S., Genetics. November 1, 1998; 150 (3): 1115-23.

Spatial expression of a forkhead homologue in the sea urchin embryo., Harada Y, Akasaka K, Shimada H, Peterson KJ, Davidson EH, Satoh N., Mech Dev. December 1, 1996; 60 (2): 163-73.

Mitochondrial rDNA phylogeny of the asteroidea suggests the primitiveness of the paxillosida., Wada H, Komatsu M, Satoh N., Mol Phylogenet Evol. August 1, 1996; 6 (1): 97-106.

A sea urchin homologue of the chordate Brachyury (T) gene is expressed in the secondary mesenchyme founder cells., Harada Y, Yasuo H, Satoh N., Development. September 1, 1995; 121 (9): 2747-54.

Details of the evolutionary history from invertebrates to vertebrates, as deduced from the sequences of 18S rDNA., Wada H, Satoh N., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 1, 1994; 91 (5): 1801-4.

Phylogenetic relationships among extant classes of echinoderms, as inferred from sequences of 18S rDNA, coincide with relationships deduced from the fossil record., Wada H, Satoh N., J Mol Evol. January 1, 1994; 38 (1): 41-9.

Protein tyrosine kinase activity of eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus: the regulation of its increase after fertilization., Satoh N, Garbers DL., Dev Biol. October 1, 1985; 111 (2): 515-9.

Timing of gastrulation in fused double-embryos formed from eggs with different cleavage schedules in the starfish, Asterina pectinifera., Mita I, Satoh N., J Exp Zool. September 20, 1982; 223 (1): 67-74.

Timing mechanisms in early embryonic development., Satoh N., Differentiation. January 1, 1982; 22 (3): 156-63.

Studies on dwarf larvae developed from isolated blastomeres of the starfish. Asterina pectinifera., Dan-Sohkawa M, Satoh N., J Embryol Exp Morphol. August 1, 1978; 46 171-85.

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