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The following is an example list of supported Echinobase Accessions:
ECB-GENEPAGE-478053 (Gene Page Summary tab - Umbrella Gene)
ECB-GENE-478054 (Gene Page Summary tab - Species-specific Gene)
ECB-GENEPHENOTYPE-478053 (Gene Page Phenotype tab - Umbrella Gene)
ECB-GENELITERATURE-478053 (Gene Page Literature tab - Umbrella Gene)
ECB-GENEEXPRESSION-478053 (Gene Page Expression tab - Umbrella Gene)
ECB-PROT-755731 (Gene Page Protein tab)
ECB-MRNA-250904 (Gene Page Nucleotides tab)
ECB-CLONE-6095230 (Clone Page)
ECB-ART-35521 (Article Page)
ECB-PERS-702 (Person Page)
ECB-LAB-23 (Lab Page)
ECB-ORG-57 (Organization Page)
ECB-JOB-41 (Job Page)
ECB-IMG-82 (Image Page)
ECB-LIB-63 (Library Page)
ECB-VEC-1221318 (Vector Page)
ECB-ANAT-36 (Anatomy Item Page)
ECB-ANTIBODY-14574796 (Antibody Page)
ECB-MORPHOLINO-17249343 (Morpholino Page)
ECB-ORF-17262615 (ORFeome Page)
ECB-LINE-813 (Stock Center Line/Strain Page)
ECB-TRANSGENE-17314476 (Stock Center Transgene Page)
ECB-PHENO-13425 (Phenotype Page)
ECB-CRE-26397053 (CRE Page)