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Dev Genes Evol 2007 Aug 01;2178:585-92. doi: 10.1007/s00427-007-0169-9.
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Ontogeny of the holothurian larval nervous system: evolution of larval forms.

Bishop CD , Burke RD .

Echinoderm larvae share numerous features of neuroanatomy. However, there are substantial differences in specific aspects of neural structure and ontogeny between the dipleurula-like larvae of asteroids and the pluteus larvae of echinoids. To help identify apomorphic features, we have examined the ontogeny of the dipleurula-like auricularia larva of the sea cucumber, Holothuria atra. Neural precursors arise in the apical ectoderm of gastrulae and appear to originate in bilateral clusters of cells. The cells differentiate without extensive migration, and they align with the developing ciliary bands and begin neurogenesis. Neurites project along the ciliary bands and do not appear to extend beneath either the oral or aboral epidermis. Apical serotonergic cells are associated with the preoral loops of the ciliary bands and do not form a substantial commissure. Paired, tripartite connectives form on either side of the larval mouth that connect the pre-oral, post-oral, and lateral ciliary bands. Holothurian larvae share with hemichordates and bipinnariae a similar organization of the apical organ, suggesting that the more highly structured apical organ of the pluteus is a derived feature. However, the auricularia larva shares with the pluteus larva of echinoids several features of neural ontogeny. Both have a bilateral origin of neural precursors in ectoderm adjacent to presumptive ciliary bands, and the presumptive neurons move only a few cell diameters before undergoing neurogenesis. The development of the holothurian nervous systems suggests that the extensive migration of neural precursors in asteroids is a derived feature.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 17622554
??? Dev Genes Evol

Genes referenced: LOC100887844 LOC115919910

References [+] :
Beer, Development of serotonin-like and SALMFamide-like immunoreactivity in the nervous system of the sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris. 2001, Pubmed, Echinobase