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APIs and Links

APIs for data access from Echinobase

APIs can be used to access specific contents programmatically, without the need to download data export files such as the ones available on gene page reports.

Currently supported APIs offer the following:

  • Check the existence of a gene page. Example:
    Where geneId is the gene page ID (ECB-GENEPAGE-23094461) or gene ID (ECB-GENE-23094462) in Echinobase database.

  • Access gene page contents. Example:
    Where geneId is the accession ID in Echinobase database (e.g. ECB-GENEPAGE-23094461 or ECB-GENE-23094462), orgId is the organism ID in Echinobase database (sp = S.purpuratus, lvar = L.variegatus, pmin = P.miniata, apla = A.planci), and paraNo designates paralog number (an integer). Input parameters are case-insensetive. If using a species-specific gene ID, such as ECB-GENE-23094462, then orgId is not required.

  • Linking to Echinobase

    Most pages on Echinobase can be linked to using the URL in the browser.

  • Content types with accession strings can be accessed with a succinct URL. Example: Where the accession string ECB-GENEPAGE-23094461 leads to the corresponding gene page. See the full list of accession strings.