Join EchinoClub Monthly Forums
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Join EchinoClub Monthly Forums

The 2024 EchinoClub organizers are planning a series of seminars and discussions.

Catherine Schrankel

Margherita Perillo

Zak Swartz

Vanessa Barone

Sessions will be at 15:00 UTC for 90 minutes and feature one or two lab groups presenting their work leaving time for discussion and community building.

A link will be sent the day before the meeting, if you have registered for a previous meeting then you do not need to register again.

For new registrations please send an email request to and you will be added to the list.



Echinobase will present updates to the site with a focus on data access and usability. 

Check back for updates to the schedule.


Past presentations

The Lab of Jia Song presented on March 31, 2023 at 14:00 UTC.

Speakers and Titles

  • Jia Song: "Regulatory Roles of microRNAs in early development"
  • Carrrie Remsburg: "Function of miR-31 during mitosis"
  • Michael Testa: "Fascin regulates cytoskeletal dynamics during mitosis in early embryogenesis"
  • Malcolm Arnott: "Transcriptional analysis of miRNAs"


The Lab of Smadar Ben-Tabou de-Leon presented on February 17, 2023 at 15:00 UTC.

Title: Genetic and mechanical information processing during sea urchin skeletogenesis.

Titles and Speakers

  • Intro – Smadar (10 min)
  • ROCK regulates biomineral formation, growth and morphology during eukaryote skeletogenesis – Tsvia Gildor (15 min+5)
  • The role of PAK in sea urchin skeletogenesis – Prashant Tewari (10 min+5)
  • The role of mechanosensing and Erk signaling in sea urchin skeletogenesis – Majed Layous (15min+5)
  • Summary – Smadar (10min)


The Arnone lab postdocs will present on Friday November 18, 2022 at 15:00 UTC.

Speaker: Eva Jimenez-Guri

Title: Microplastics: morphological and genetic developmental effects in marine invertebrates.

Speaker: Periklis Paganos

Title: Echinoderm cell type repertoire sheds light on animal evolution.


The Peter Lénárt Lab presented on October 21st at 14:00 UTC.

Speakers: Peter Lénárt and Ivan Avilov

Title: Meiotic control by the Mos kinase in starfish oocytes.


Lightning Talks and Breakout Rooms on Friday June 24, 2022 at 14:00 UTC.

  1. Kalin Diane Konrad: MicroRNA-124 functions to modulate neurogenesis and mesodermal specification (Jia Song Lab, University of Delaware)
  2. Csenge Petak: Whole-genome sequencing shows the role of gene regulation in local adaptation to environmental variability in purple sea urchins (Pespeni Lab, University of Vermont)
  3. Sumio Udagawa: Morphogenetic process of the pentameral hydrocoel lobes in a sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Toru Miura Lab, The University of Tokyo)
  4. Tianshu Li: A model of decentralized vision in sea urchin Diadema africanum (Giancarlo La Camera Lab, Stony Brook University)
  5. Dr. Maria Cocurullo: Sensory control of sea urchin larval growth (Ina Arnone Lab, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn)
  6. Dr. Cheryl Telmer: Echinobase: a community resource for echinoderm research (Carnegie Mellon University)


The Yi-Hsien Su Lab presented on Friday January 21, 2022 at 3pm UTC.

Speakers: Yi-Hsien Su, Han-Ru Li, Tzu-Pei Fan

Title: Evolution of Deuterostome Body Plans: Insights from developmental and genomic studies in sea urchin and hemichordate embryos.


The Hamdoun Lab presented on Friday December 10, 2021 at 3pm UTC.

Speakers: Yoon Lee, Cat Schrankel, Himanshu Vyas, Amro Hamdoun

Title: Protective mechanisms during echinoderm development and the generation of a homozygous mutant drug transporter knockout line.

The recording is available here. The passcode is 9fQ..JX8


The José E. García Arrarás Lab (UPR) presented at EchinoClub on Friday October 22, 2021 at 2pm UTC.

Speakers: José E. García-Arrarás, Lymarie Díaz-Díaz, Yamil Miranda-Negrón, Joshua Medina-Feliciano

Title: Regeneration in holothurians; a different view of echinoderm development.

The talk was recorded and is available here. The passcode is J!E5=y8m


Echinobase presented on Friday September 24, 2021 at 2pm UTC and the recording is here.

Speakers: Veronica Hinman, Saoirse Foley, Peter Vize, Vaneet Lotay, Charles Ettensohn, Thomas Beatman and Cheryl Telmer

Title: Echinobase, a genomics knowledgebase.


The Arnone lab presented on Tuesday July 13th, 2021.

Speakers: Maria Cocurullo, Periklis Paganos, Danila Voronov and Ina Arnone

Title:  Gene regulatory networks in development and evolution.


The Wray lab presented on Friday June 18, 2021.

Speakers: Phillip Davidson, Hannah Devens, Abdull Massri, Jane Swart, and Greg Wray

Title: What can extreme biology teach us about the evolution of development?


On May 28, 2021 there was a presentation from Shunsuke Yaguchi, at 2pm UTC (7am PDT, 10am EDT, 4pm CEST, 11pm JST).

Title: Development and function of serotonergic neurons in sea urchin embryos/larvae.


The Lepage lab presented on Tuesday April 20, 2021 at 7am PDT, 10am EDT and 4pm CEST.

Title: Old friends and new family members: a novel mechanism for activation of the MAPK signalling pathway. 


The Wessel lab presented at the inaugural meeting on Friday March 26, 2021 at 7am PDT, 10am EDT and 3pm CET.

Title: Echinoderms Rock!


Wessel GM, Kiyomoto M, Shen T, Yajima M (2020) Genetic manipulation of the pigment pathway in a sea urchin reveals distinct lineage commitment prior to metamorphosis in the bilateral to radial body plan transition. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 1973. 

Foster S, Oulhen N, Wessel GM (2020) A single cell RNA-seq resource for early sea urchin development. Development 147(17):dev191528.

Perillo M, Oulhen N, Foster S, Spurrell M, Calestani C, Wessel GM (2020) Regulation of dynamic pigment cell states at single-cell resolution. eLife 9:e60388.

Pieplow A, Dastaw M, Sakuma T, Sakamoto N, Yamamoto T, Yajima M, Oulhen N, Wessel GM (2021)  CRISPR-Cas9 editing of non-coding genomic loci as a means of controlling gene expression in the sea urchin. Developmental Biology 472: 85-97.




Last Updated: 2023-03-20