New Echinobase Release 6.0.0
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New Echinobase Release 6.0.0

Echinobase has been updated to version 6.0.0.

This new version of updated and restructured application code has improved performance and efficiency, with fewer bugs.

Please contact us if you encounter performance issues.

The new data and functionality includes

  • The LOC IDs of 1:1 orthologs between echinoderm species have been updated to show the gene symbol.
  • The Lytechinus pictus genome is available for BLAST, JBrowse and Download.
  • The Search Genes interface has been improved.
  • Legacy Echinobase data files are on Echinobase and are available for download.
  • Echinobase now shows where WHL transcripts align to the S. purpuratus v5.0 genome assembly.
    • The WHL sequences were BLASTed against the genome and placed where there was the greatest length of continuous alignment.
    • This has resulted in many transcripts aligning to the 3' UTR as it is often larger than individual exons that make up the transcript.
    • To view the WHL track and have rapid access to the WHL sequences go to JBrowse.
    • Look on the left under Available Tracks, Other and select Spur 5.0 WHL sequences.

WHL IDs can be searched within JBrowse for either the WHL ID or the gene name/symbol. 


Last Updated: 2023-06-02